Assignment 2

Introduction to Postharvest Information, PEF, PTRIC, TU, VRIC and Other Extension Programs in Horticulture

Visit a variety of websites and read about some of the people and postharvest programs available on the web.Ìý

1) Please visit the following websites and follow the links of most interest to you. Check each of the 25 documents saved in this folder. Please utilize the internet for this assignment to make sure the pages you visit are the most up to date. (The files saved in this folder are just examples of web pages). Ìý
UC Davis: Postharvest Technology Research and Information CenterÌý
http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/Ìý Follow links to extension specialists, produce facts, postharvest library. Visit a few pages for the crops that are of most interest to you. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/phd/directorymain.cfm?type=maincats

A Resource Directory of suppliers Ìý(Wouldn't it be a good idea to have one of these directories for your county or state?). Search the library of articles and documents (use your own key words). Download a few postharvest documents for your library.

The Postharvest Education Foundation
Website homepage: http://www.postharvest.org/
Linked In Group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Postharvest-Training-3770124
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PostharvestEducationFdn
Follow us on Twitter: @Postharvestorg

2) Overview of the field of horticulture and postharvest technology. Visit a wide variety of websites of organizations and read about programs in the field, visit websites with postharvest technical info (USDA, AMS, UNFAO UNinPHo, etc). Please take some time to visit these Website links and familiarize yourself with the following organizations and agencies:

General Horticulture
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service ÌýÌý

USDA Agriculture HandbookÌý
Visit some example pages for the technologies and crops of most interest to you.

North Carolina State University

Please visit the web pages of the website and try out the search functions and library search.Ìý

3) Use one of the available search engines to search the internet for additional websites that provide introductory information on horticulture and/or postharvest technology for fruits and vegetable crops.Ìý

List 3 websites that you have found to be most useful, then share them with the other trainees in our program by posting on LinkedIn.comÌý

4) Check out the references included in this folder-- Vermont food loss study, Georgia F&V Directory, Handbook 66 introduction, etc.

Expected Results: Trainees will familiarize themselves with the postharvest information, references, resources and programs offered by TU, PEF, UC Davis, USDA and a variety of other sources.
