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The 2024Ƶ Master Goat Producer’s Training Certification Program Scheduled forJuly 31-August 2, 2024ɾٳ Pre-Program Grant Writing Workshop on July 30, 2024.

About MGPC

New business opportunities, such as meat goat production, exist for farm families to diversify their small farm operations and to explore alternative enterprises and innovative marketing systems to increase their farm income. For more than four decades, Ƶ (TU) has played a leading role in goat research and as a resource for small and minority farmers involved in goat production. The Ƶ held its inaugural Master Goat Producer’s Training Certification (MGPC) Program in August 2008 to provide new and established producers an opportunity to access up-to-date and accurate information on how to raise healthy, productive meat goats. The Annual MGPC Program is scheduled to be held on July 31- August 2, 2024ɾٳ a “Grants for Producers” pre-program workshop event sponsored by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) on Sunday, July 30at 6:00 PM. In conjunction with the Ƶ Caprine Research and Education team, contributors from Florida A&M University, Mississippi State University, University, Auburn University, Auburn University, University of Georgia, the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries USDA and others provide a comprehensive training program with classes on herd health, marketing, nutrition and pasture management, bio-security, bio-terrorism awareness, quality assurance, disaster preparedness, reproductive management and much, much more. The program also includes hands-on training in hoof trimming, assessing body condition scores, judging livestock, FAMACHA and microscopic fecal examinations, pasture management and more with three levels of program certification available. Since its inception, almost 300 producers, agricultural professions and other stakeholders have been trained as a result of this program. Registration materials are now available online or may be obtained from Demetria Jones-Williams at dwilliams3@tuskegee.eduor 334-727-8453.

Registration ($75) deadline is July 16, 2024ɾٳ late registration $10 thereafter. Registration begins May 25, 2024. Lodging scholarship are available.

Program Overview

The Master Goat Producer's Certification Program is a comprehensive training program which offers classes on herd health, marketing, nutrition and pasture management, bio-security, bio-terrorism awareness, quality assurance, disaster preparedness, reproductive management and much, much more. The program will include hands-on training in hoof trimming, assessing body condition scores, artificial insemination, judging livestock, FAMACHA and microscopic fecal examinations, pasture management and more. There are three levels of certification and they are as follows:

  • Level One: The producer will be awarded a certificate of completion and a sign to display on the property which states the participant is a Master Goat Producer
  • Level Two: The prerequisite requirement for level two is to complete level one and complete a farm inspection.
  • Level Three: The prerequisite requirements for level three is to complete levels one and two of the program and pass evaluation during a second farm inspection.

Advertisements Flyers

Registration for the 2024 MGPC Program begins May 25, 2024. This year’s event will last three days, July 31 - August 2, 2024and requires registration ($75 by July 16 and $85 thereafter). Individuals are encouraged to spread the word.

Announcement flyers for the Training Program and Grants Workshop can be downloaded by clicking on the images below.


Registration for the2024MGPC ProgrambeginsMay 25, 2024. This is a threeday event and requires registration. Interested persons mayaccess theMail-InRegistration Form and mail your completedregistration form along withthe check and/or money order to the address indicated on the form. Alternatively, individuals may .

A post-program workshop entitledGrants for Producers”will also be held at 2:30PM on August 7; pre-registration for workshop is not required, but encouraged and it is a NO COST activity!!!

Program Contacts

Min Byeng-Ryel, PhD
Associate Professor of AnimalScience
207 Morrison Mayberry Hall
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Tel: (334) 724-4732 Fax: (334) 727-8552

Heba Abdo, PhD
Smart-Climate Field Technical
207 Morrison Mayberry Hall
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Tel: (334) 552-2885 \Fax: (334) 727-8552


Demetria Jones-Williams
Program Assistant
205 Mary Starke Harper Hall
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Tel: (334) 727-8453 Fax: (334) 727-8552


The answers to most FAQs can be found on the Registration Form.If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us through the contact information provided above.


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