Marc Karam, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph: 334 727 8991

Fax: 334 724 4806

Email: mkaram@tuskegee.edu


Ph.D., Systems Engineering, April 99, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan

M.S., Electrical Engineering, December 1994, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada

B.S., Electrical Engineering, October 1991, University of Saint Joseph, E.S.I.B, Beirut, Lebanon



Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, August 1999 – Present

Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan

Research Assistant, 10/95 - 4/96

Teaching Assistant 9/94 - 11/98

University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada

Research Assistant, 1/93 - 10/93

Energy Audit and Diagnostic Center, 4/94 - 8/94

A-OK Controls Engineering, Auburn Hills, Michigan

Design Engineer, 2/99 - 7/99

DaimlerChrysler, Auburn Hills, Michigan

Research Engineer, 10/95 - 4/96


Control Systems: Linear and Nonlinear Control, Classical and Optimal Control

Signal Processing: Vibration Analysis, Noise Reduction and Cancellation

Artificial Intelligence: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in Control and Signal Processing Applications Simulation: using Matlab/Simulink and Spice in Simulation and Analysis of Electrical and Mechanical Systems Design of Digital Systems


1. M. Karam, M.A. Zohdy, and H.S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, “A Modular Recurrent Dynamic Neural Network for Robust Optimal Control,” Control and Intelligent Systems Journal, Volume 31, No. 3, pp.160-172, 2003.

2. M. Karam, M.A. Zohdy, and S.S. Farinwata,  “Robust Optimal Control Using Recurrent Dynamic Neural Network,”  2001 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), September 5-7, 2001, Mexico City, Mexico.

3. M. Karam, M.A. Zohdy, and H.S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, “Robust Recurrent Dynamic Neural Network for Solving Linear and Nonlinear

Signal Representation Problems,” International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 30, No. 3, pp. 261-274, March 1999.

4. M.A. Zohdy, M. Karam, and H.S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy,  “A Recurrent Dynamic Neural Network for Noisy Signal Representation,” Neurocomputing, Volume 17, pp 77-97, 1997.

5. M. Karam, M. Ghassemzadeh,  N. Dai, M. Gandikota,  and A.M. Trzynadlowski,  “Validation  and Recovery of Vibration Data in

Electromachine  Systems  Using  Neural  Network  Software,”  IEEE Transactions  on Industry  Applications,  Volume  30, No. 6, pp.

1588-1599, November/December 1994.


1. C. Cliston, M. Karam and H. Aglan, “Spectral Subtraction of Noise in Speech Processing Applications,” Proceedings of the 40th

Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 50-53, March 16-18, 2008.

2.  M.  Karam  and  M.A.  Zohdy,  “Development  of  a  Model-Based  Dynamic  Recurrent  Neural  Network  for  Modeling  Nonlinear

Systems,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp.

503-506, April 2-4, 2007.

3. M. Karam and M.A. Zohdy, “Modeling a Simple Inverted Pendulum Using a Model-Based Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network,” Proceedings of the 37th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Ƶ, Tuskegee, Alabama, pp. 78-82, March


4. K. White, M. Karam, and M.S. Fadali, “Performance Enhancement of a Fourier/Hopfield Neural Network for Nonlinear Periodic Systems Representation,” Proceedings of the 36th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, pp. 54-58, March 2004.

5. M. Karam,  M.S. Fadali,  and K. White,  “A Fourier/Hopfield  Neural  Network  for Identification  of Nonlinear  Periodic  Systems,” Proceedings  of the 35th Southeastern  Symposium  on System Theory, West Virginia  University,  Morgantown,  pp. 53-57,March


6. M. Karam and M.A. Zohdy, “Nonlinear Model-Based  Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network,” Proceedings of the 44th IEEE 2001

Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Dayton, Ohio, pp. 624-626, August 14-17, 2001.


Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society

Eta Kappa Nu National Electrical Engineering Honor Society

Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Teaching in the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Physical Sciences, for the academic year 2003-2004.

Engineering Teacher of the Year award from the TUBE (Ƶ Engineering and Business) conference on

April 3rd, 2003.



Alabama Academy of Sciences.

American Lebanese Engineering Society (ALES).


Developed the Control Systems Laboratory at Ƶ through an NSF grant

Developed the Freshman Engineering Design course (EENG 0192) at Ƶ

Faculty advisor of the Ƶ chapter of Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society

Served as Undergraduate Coordinator of the Electrical Engineering (EE) Department

Chaired the EE Department Undergraduate Curriculum committee

Served as President-Elect  of the Tuskegee  University  Chapter of SIGMA XI, the scientific  research  society for the  year academic year 2003-2004

Member of the 2001 and 2002 President’s Essay Contest committee at Ƶ


IEEE, Alabama Academy of Sciences, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

Chaired  the Publications  Committee  of the SSST05  Conference  held in March  2005  at the Kellogg  Center,  Tuskegee


Presented  the  talk  “Establishing  the  Need  for  Major  Research  Instrumentation”  at  the  Quality  Education  for  Minority Proposal Development and Evaluation Workshop for NSF’s Major Research Instrumentation  program at the Hilton Atlanta Airport, Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday October 22, 2004

Served as President-Elect  of the Tuskegee  University  Chapter of SIGMA XI, the scientific  research  society for the  year academic year 2003-2004

Chaired the session entitled “Advances in Neural Learning” at the 44th IEEE 2001 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and

Systems, August 17, 2001

Presented the talk “Engineering Challenges for the First Decade of the New Millennium” at the 2001 annual conference of the American Lebanese Engineering Society

Research area: Artificial Intelligence through the use of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in control and signal processing



Collaborators (within last 48 months)

Dr. Mohamed A. Zohdy, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan (co-author) Dr. M. Sami Fadali, University of Nevada, Reno (co-authors)

Thesis Advisor and Committee

M.S.  Thesis  Advisor:  Tuskegee  University.  Benedicta  Obeng,  Modather  Suliman,  Shiva  Shagabandi,  Cliston  Cole,  Mamoun

Ibrahim, and Anas Abu-Safieh

M.S. Thesis Advisory Committee: Ƶ. Arindra Guha, Okechkwu Akpa, Rashed Golam, Alphonse Tegueu, Pavan Akavaram, Ekekwe Ndubisi, Justice Nduba, Agbontaen Abayomi Imasuen, Mustafa Saeed , Vinod Villoth, and Michael Anasarah Awaah