The goal and overall purpose of a resume/CV is to introduce your qualifications and skills to employers. It's an informational document that tells your career story, outlining all details in an easily read format.
Your resume/CV is a self-marketing tool. The purpose of the resume is to effectively communicate your assets in writing to an employer. You need to know what the employers want and then present it to them in a clear, easy to follow format. It is an art, and should be tailored for the job you are applying.
Convince prospective employers to interview you based on your qualifications
Create a professional image of yourself and establish yourcredibility
Provide a sample of your written communication skills
Use white or cream 8 ½” x 11” paper, black ink, printed on one side only
Use standard type faces such as Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Futura, Optima, Times, Palatino, and Times New Roman
Use font size of 10 to 14 points
Place your name at the top of each page
Use standard address format below your name
Use complete school name, degree, and dates
Use complete job information and dates
Use bold face type and/or capital letter for section headings as long the letters don’t touch each other
Dependent on key words –nouns that represent skills and experience rather than verbs/action words
Find keywordsin job descriptions and job listings
Describe your experience with concrete words rather than vague descriptions
Increase your list of key words by including specifics, for example, list the names or software you use such as Microsoft Word and Lotus 1-2-3
Avoid pronouns (e.g. I, my, us)
Try to stick with one page, but use two pages if necessary
Provide a laser printer original or a typewritten original; do not send copies or dot matrix printouts
Do not fold, staple or paper clip
Don’t condense spacing between letters
Avoid two-column format or resumes that look like newspapers or newsletter