1. Urgent appointments: call us and arrange the emergency referral directly with us. We will give you a definite answer about whether or not we can see the animal that day and we will try not to put you in a situation where you have to wait for us to get back to you.
2. If you need to discuss a case or get an estimate, you can call us, email, or fax us the details using the referral form, indicating you wish us to call you back.
Phone Numbers
Small Animal Hospital - 334-727-8436
Large Animal Hospital - 334-727-8461
E-mail: tucvmvetcare@tuskegee.edu.
Fax # 334-727-4842
We recognize that there are many different reasons to refer a case and we are always happy to discuss a specific case before committing to a referral.
1. Urgent appointments: call us and arrange the emergency referral directly with us. We will give you a definite answer about whether or not we can see the animal that day and we will try not to put you in a situation where you have to wait for us to get back to you.
2. If you need to discuss a case or get an estimate, you can call us, or fax us the details using the referral form, indicating you wish us to call you back.
3. If you do not need to speak to anyone and the referral is nonurgent, use the online form or fax us the details using the referral form and we will contact your client directly and call/fax you back to confirm the appointment.
Generally, for non-urgent appointments, we will contact the owners directly with the appointment details.
In many cases, it is not possible or in the patient’s best interests to perform all the necessary diagnostic tests and procedures in a single day. This will mean that your client’s pet may need to be hospitalized overnight or that they may need to return for specific procedures.
When scheduling an appointment at the VMTH, please be prepared to provide the following information:
* Owner’s name
* Telephone numbers and email addresses
* Patient species, breed, age, sex, color
* Presenting complaint or patient problem
* Has your pet been seen by a veterinarian for this problem?
* Name of your veterinarian or clinic
* Does your animal have a current rabies vaccination?
For Appointments at the Small Animal Hospital: Please call (334) 727-8436
Regularly-Scheduled Appointment Hours:
M - F 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Sat - 9:00am - 11:00am
EMERGENCY services are available 24 hours a day (334) 727-8436
For Appointments at the Large Animal Hospital:
Please call (334) 727-8461 for in-clinic appointments
Regularly-Scheduled Appointment Hours: M - F 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
EMERGENCY Services are available 24 hours a day (334) 727-8461